Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tough One....

So to start with, diet was excellent today as I mentioned before and had a lovely little past dinner tonight after weigh-in where I was down another pound and 9 1/2 inches in total, yeah baby!!!

so my workout tonite got off late as we got dinner started late but that is fine. did my 45 on the tready but threw in some intervals tonite. Did 10 minutes at a 7% incline, stolen idea from Biggest Loser and it really got the sweat going and I even managed to do it at 5.5 for 3 minutes. did the rest at 4.5 with a 2-minute 5.5 thrown in at the 25-minute mark. Did an extra angled pull-up tonight to replace the standard pull-up which is still a no-go, but that is OK. The only side-effect was I had trouble doing My Australian pull-ups, but after a false start I managed them. Then off to the Sparg ( god I love that thing) and then stretched out to end. Now it is timefor some water, a Skinny Cow sundae as a reward, some water and an episode of HIMYM season 2 before bed-time, for a good night's sleep.

Good day, all in all.

Total weight lost is 10 1/2 pounds in 4 weeks. 48 more to go......

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