Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well it has been a little while but I have gotten back on the wagon. I actually got back on on Monday but it was late and I didn't have time to write it down.

So it was a weird little cold that I had. I would run out of gas everyday around 2pm and was useless (more so than usual) for the rest of the day. I even dozed off on the GO train which never happens, so needless to say I was not exercising. My weight loss has been good, I am at about 15lbs down now so I am happy about that.

I have jumped right back into my routine: 45 on the treadmill, perfect pull-up, resistance bands and stretching one day and Tready and Ab-straps the other day (plus stretching). Monday I also included a 5 minute jog at 6.2 mph for 5 MINUTES!!!!!! It was awesome, got my heart rate up to 80% (bought a new heart-rate watch so I can tell) and a great sweat going and did 3.65 miles on the treadmill. Then I did a proper perfect pull-up workout as I was doing it wrong this whole time. I was doing the incorrect number of reps of each exercise so I had to start over; I now do 3 sets of 3 Australian pull-ups and then 3 sets of standing pull-ups that consist of 15, 12 then 8, so much better this way as you really have to work on the last sets. Then my resistance bands etc.

On Tuesday I barely made my 45 on the treadmill but I powered through and finished, although I only did a 3-minute jog as I completely ran out of gas, to the point that I had to step off the treadmill to catch my breath, but I finished and that is what counts. Also did 3.6 miles total and had my heart rate at about 65% the whole time, then did my ab-straps which are getting easier I must admit.

So all in all, I am so glad to be back working out again, I missed it and it feels good to pick it back up. I know I will not always feel up to it and on some days I will bail as that is what my body will need, but I didn't just drop it this time and that is the important thing right now.

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