Monday, May 10, 2010


Alright, so enough pity-party, lazy asshole, quitter bull-shit. Time to re-up and start over before things get out of hand. I am very close to being in the 21's and all I need to do is recommit to the process and I will get there.

I will fully admit that I am not following the H1 program the way they would like me to, but, I am using that more as a check and balance thing than anything. I don't feel that the diet they want me to follow is really safe for me, so I have been working my own way through it and finding things that work for me while lowering my carb count to a level that I am comfortable at that allows me to lose the weight with out almost passing out if I walk to the mailbox and back.

I know the next step for them will be to "remove" choices and that ain't going to fly with me, so I will use them as an accountability tool and keep doing my own thing and make adjustments as I need to that work for me and my body. Next step is EXERCISE. I am such a lazy prick these days it is stupid. I just can't seem to get my ass off the couch. I know that it will speed up the process but I can't wrap my head around it. I need to exercise early in the evening so I can get to bed at a decent time, so now I just have to do it! Tonight is the night. I am walking on the treadmill and then having a good stretch and then relaxing after Pam is done with her softball.

On that last note, I just want to express how very proud of my wife I am for joining a league. It was a big step for her and I couldn't be happier that she made that choice. It is a tough thing to do, especially when you have never played an organized game in your life. Good work baby, I love you.


  1. aaw baby I love you too :)

    You might not go to softball tonight anyway...Becca was such a grump this morning she should have an early to bed night anyway.

    You can do this!!! I know you can. Treadmill tonight no matter what! And I will do what I can to make sure you have the time each evening to work out. As long as you aren't on the computer instead of working out :) or on the computer when you could be doing the other things you need to do before you can work out...either way I'm going to kick your butt to the basement so you can work out :)

  2. two are so frickin cute! Buck up man...I know you can do this Kevin! I was in the same place as you were...but I'm back, and you gotta get back too! We should plan a get together one weekend coming up for us! Either you guys come here for an evening, or we go their! Either way...I think the four of us might be a good influence on each other! But NO eating out...cuz we obviously SUCK at getting that right!! Ha-ha...LOL

    Down to the basement with you...and get on that damn treadmill!!!

  3. Yep...the only way to get anywhere is to start going. Simple huh?! WEll, it sounds simple, but we all know it's not as easy as it sounds, but it's not impossible to do either. Everyone has to start somewhere for their own reasons. You found yours. Now go to it.
    I'm just getting out of that boat myself, buddy. Tonight IS P90X round 2 for me. I WILL make myself do it. I think the first couple days are the hardest, even tho we have the renewed determination behind us.
    I say lets take numbers and kick some serious booty!

    Btw, I'm proud of Pam too. It looks like softball might be out for me this year, but I definitely will go out for it next year.
