Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Did it!

well I did it, I managed to get a workout in, which was no mean feat as I was fighting my blood-sugar all afternoon. I did 30 minutes on the Treadmill and then 15 FULL sit-ups and then some kettle weight exercises and then of course stretched.

It felt really good and I am proud of myself. the only negative was that my blood-sugar got low after and I needed to eat something at 10pm, right before bed, which means my weight is up this AM. Oh well, small battles right?

Tonight I have my first ball game of the season, late game of course, but I don't care. Tomorrow I will use the treadmill again and the day after that, and then Saturday I go golfing (first round of the year, it's going to be ugly) and Sunday is a double header in softball so I have a sporty few days ahead of me. I feel like a teenager again!! Without the smoking and chasing girls of course ;)

Will keep you all posted.


  1. what am I chopped liver? You still have to work for it baby LOL.

    Seriously I'm seriously proud of you seriously! bwahahahah no really I'm so proud of you!!! You rock...once that blood sugar is back in check you are going to rock the weight loss!!!

    love you

  2. Yay! The first day...that's the trick. Do it, and you're golden. So, I guess you're golden man.Feel richer?
    Proud of u both!
